Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Young Voters Vote

Recently, we watched Barrack Obama take the role for presidency which is a first ever in US history. Having a colored man run for president and winning not only shows how democracy has changed over the years but it can also go to show how things all over the US have changed. In the NY Times article by Orlando Patterson, he talks about how over the years the voters of America have changed as well.

Something that has said to be changed is the number of "young voters" in America. In an article I found by it states that the 2008 election brought in 133 million voters between the age of 18-29. It also states how the younger voters are more prone to vote for the democratic party.
"Sixty-six percent voted for Obama and 32 percent voted for McCain."
A part in the article I found was that the reason why some young voters don't vote is simply because they don't feel it would change anything.
"Other young voters say they didn’t vote because they felt their vote would not count, due to the fact that their states’ electoral votes were going to the opposing party."

I find this interesting. I think it is great how over the years there have been more younger people voting. If I were able to vote I definitly would, I think that young voters can also impact the way America is run if they would just vote. I feel that this election was different and it reached out to younger voters more so then any other presidential election because we in the US we have never had a black president. I feel that maybe it spoke to the younger generation more so because it would be a change for America and that made them step up and vote.

Young Voters Article
An Eternal Revolution

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