Thursday, November 6, 2008

Review of the Election

The person I personally would have voted for if I could didn't win, although I kind of knew that Obama would win. I am not mad that he won, I just hope that he can shape up America like he promised.
I guess what I feel is that I hope he lives up to his word.

Something that came out of the election that I do not agree with however is Prop 4. I think that because now teenagers do not have the freedom to get an abortion without their parents finding out they may result to getting an abortion in an unsafe environment such as in a different country where the environment isn't so sanitary and they may be prone to infection. When teenage girls were able to get an abortion on their own without their parents consent or without them finding out, then they had more options because they were still able to get an abortion here in the US where clinics are more sanitary and it is safer for the young girl.

What I hope for America is that we are able to steer away from foreign oil and fossil fuels in general and are able to make renewable energy sources a primary source of energy rather then fossil fuels. I hope that we can do this because by doing this it can effect global warming by slowing it down. I want this because I want a cleaner environment and leave a US that is at least livable for my future children and their children. That is one of my hopes for the new country as Obama runs it.

One of my concerns as Obama is the new president is that he may get assassinated because he is the first black president. There are already people who were found plotting trying to kill Obama so that is one of my concerns.

I feel that my own level of civic knowledge has gone up dramatically. Before I never even payed attention to what goes on in the world, but as we started discussing current events in class I have come to find it interesting and most of the time scandalous which is always fun to talk about and
be knowledgable of. Something I feel that really helps me understand what is going on in the world are the blogs we do. I think that the blogs gives us a chance to be able to give our own opinion and perspective on the issues at hand. It makes us think about what is going on in the world and gives us a new way to look at things, our own unique way of looking at things.

I think that something we can do more often is have the class discussion on issues like what we had on Wednesday. To me, not only is it a fun way to discuss things but it also lets us physically hear each other out rather then just reading it on a blog.
Because of what we have discussed in class I feel that when I hear or when someone asks me about current events, I am able to have a conversation with that person. I like that I am able to engage in conversations because before I wasn't able to so much and it made me feel somewhat stupid. I know feel well educated when I speak with those individuals and it is a pleasent feeling.

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