Friday, March 27, 2009

Honors Blog

Where I got the Picture

The picture above shows two of the main characters in the story. I will first start off by doing a character sketch writing on Artie, the son of the holocaust survivor.

In Maus, the characters are either mice to represent the Jewish or cats to represent the German Nazis. Some physical character traits that Artie has are a long nose and beady eyes. In the book he is usually dressed in slacks, a collard shirt and a sweater vest on top. Artie smokes and it sometimes irritates his father. He is very curious about his father's past and is eager to find out the answers so that he can get started on writing his book. Artie is Jewish because he comes from a Jewish family. Throughout the book you can see how it may be difficult at times for Artie to communicate with his father because his father is so old fashined and very proper while Artie comes from a new generation and is more open minded. He also shows a side to him that to me seemed like resentment. It was the part where Mala showed Artie the comic strip that the father found that Artie wrote. The way it was written shows how he was resentful to his mother.

The other main character shown in the picture above is a picture of Artie's father, Vladek. Vladek is the one in the story who develops the plot of the book. It is because the story is based around him telling his son Artie about his experience during the Holocaust. He is very much so old fashioned. He wears a suit and tie when he is at home. He speaks with a strong accent and is more cautious of money more so then Artie. He is an old man and does things such as counting his pills and riding on his bicycle as he tells Artie about his past. He does not get along well with his current wife Mala but loved his first wife Anja very much. Historically, his connection with history is that Vladek's story is something that actually happen in history. He had a personal experience with the Nazis and lived to be able to tell about it.Where I got the Picture

Another main character in the story is Anja. Anja is Vladek's first wife and the mother of Arite. She appears numerous times in the book in the stories that Vladek tells about his past. It is said in the book that she is not the prettiest girl but her attitude and presence can make you fall in love with her. She was also Jewish and came from a wealthy family. It was her father that helped Vladek open the textile factory. In the book she has to go to a mental assuylum for a bit because she has a breakdown. She helps contribute to the plot of the story because Vladek loves her so much wants to make sure that he is not separated from her or his family. She is dead though.

The pattern I noticed with all three of the main characters is that they are all related. This leads me to believe that the reason why the book was so good is because Artie had more passion to write about this story because it was something personal that happen to people he was close to and loved very much.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Internship Photo Essay

The trip to internship. My internship partner is Mariah Morgan; she drives us to the internship site. She is a great person to work with because she keeps things fun and keeps me laughing. Between me, her, and our mentor Lindy we are able to get plenty of work done and learn tons of new things along the way. Since the three of us are not very advanced on making videos this project has brought a challenge to us but we continue to work hard and learn from our mistakes that we end up laughing about. Mariah is not only making the trip to internship with me but is also helping me complete the journey of experiencing internship.

A ton of custom scrubs for everyone. Dove Apparel is professional scrub clothing line for nursing students in college. Each scrub is hand made in a non sweat shop environment here in the United States. Unlike a normal retail store, Dove is an online store. Each customer must go online and order their product there. While ordering you have the option of customizing your scrub with a patch that represents your school! The picture above shows a uni-sex scrub. Dove makes many different scrubs such as vests, lab coats, and pants. You have a variety of colors to choose from and you can decide if you want a female version or male version of that particular product.

Independent culture, not cooperate vultures. “All Dove-branded poly/cotton uniforms are made in California, in licensed, worker-friendly environments. We work closely with the contractors and inspect their facilities regularly — and we demand a level of quality you won't see in other medical apparel.” Dove is a sweatshop free company and produces a higher quality product because of that. In the picture above it shows the sewing machine that is used everyday to customize a scrub. When my internship partner and I arrive at Dove there is a male seamstress who sits at the sewing machine and sings in a very loud voice as he sews on a patch or sews together a scrub. He makes for an interesting day because when the store gets too quiet and all of the sudden we will all of the sudden hear him singing “Crank Dat” and it brightens up the mood of the store. If Dove were sweatshop ran then we wouldn’t have the opportunity of hearing this man and his colorful personality. Things would not be as fun as they are there.

Teamwork makes the dream work. In order to run any successful business it takes a lot of teamwork and cooperation. The picture above illustrates a perfect example of teamwork as my mentors work together on exporting a file. Not only is it important to know the value of teamwork for this project but it is also important to know just as a skill that can be used in the work environment. Teamwork is one thing that is stressed a lot at Dove in order to keep the business running. Everyone works together which also makes for a great place to come in every morning as your job. Our mentor, Lindy, said “it’s a great place to work at. The atmosphere in general, the co-workers, everything. It’s just upbeat even when times are stressed everybody pitches in to help out, it’s just a good atmosphere.”

Wall of boxes. At my internship site there are several walls covered in boxes filled with the products that the company produces everyday. During immersion we got the opportunity to see all the different products held within those boxes in action while having a photo shoot for the up and coming website for Dove. While doing the photo shoot we got a better understanding of how each scrub should fit and why it is important to know your right size. There were a few models that would try on a scrub that was not their size and we saw how it did not fit them right. It gave us a better understanding as to why it is we are actually creating this “how to measure” video. Not only will the video help benefit the company but it will also allow us to learn new techniques in video making that can be applied to our school work.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What am I Bringing to the Magazine?

My personal contribution to the magazine will be my internship photo essay. The reason why is because I want to be able to show why my internship was important to me and what it is I learned from it and how I learned it. Through this, I will be contributing photos, writing(captions), and maybe a reflection of what it was like doing the photo essay.
If this doesn't work out I would like to contribute an editorial on what it was like working at my particular internship and how it has impacted my outlook on the workfield and also how it has impacted my school work. Whatever it is I do put in the magazine I definitely want it to be related to internship because I think it is important to stress the significance of an internship.

Mejor: A High Tech High Media Arts Magazine

I would like to read about people's different personal expierences about internship. More specifically those who got stuck with an internship they didn't like and how they dealt with it and their reflection of it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Immersion

What did you learn during immersion/how can you apply it to school?

During immersion I worked on my internship project which is a "how to measure your body" tutorial for customers ordering a scrub and aren't sure what there size is. What I learned during immersion is how to properly measure yourself so that you know what size a scrub is. Since I was one of the people who demonstrates how to measure yourself I had to know how to do it correctly so that is something I learned over immersion. I also learned that in order to make a professional but simple tutorial the lighting really does have to be perfect. My mentor, Mariah and I shot several different types of footage trying out the lighting. I think that everything I learned while making this video about making videos is important for me because I go to a school where they like to make videos and I think the more experience I have making videos the better. It will definitely help me next year if I ever do need to make a video. Since my mentor, my internship partner and I don't have much experience making videos it is a learning experience for all of us and I am glad to be learning something.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Honors Blog

Where I Got Picture
The picture above is a picture of the protagonist in the book, Deogratias. Since he is a Hutu in the story he has a darker skin color and a more round face. Throughout the book he walks with a somewhat defeated attitude, he walks with his head down and his back slumped down as well. In the story he wears tattered clothes and no shoes. His eyes have a yellow color to them like he hasn't slept in a few days or like he has just seen something tragic. He does not carry anything with him although throughout the book other characters know him for his love of banana beer. Because Deogratias seems somewhat distraught people find him odd. They bark at him because he himself considers himself a dog at night. In the book he had a love interest but she did not love him back, he remained friends with her but instead started liking the girl's sister. I don't want to give anything away that happens in the book but Deogratias does poison some people and kills them. Others in the book just find him crazy. This story is based on the Rwandan genocide, the book's time period is during 1994 and 1995. Since the book is a graphic novel there are times when the book will show a flashback of Deogratias's life. It shows how he is a normal teenage boy but throughout the story as it goes on you will notice how his personality changes from normal boy to crazy person because of what he has seen throughout his life.Where I Got Picture
The picture shown above is a picture of Apollinaria. Unlike Deogratias, Apollinaria is a Tutsi which means she is lighter skined, has a longer face shape, and taller. Originally in the story Deogratias likes Apollinaria but she does not return the love for him. She and her mother and sister are some of the few Tutsi women in the story. Because of the fact that they are Tutsis they have to go into hiding in the book. Eventually they get killed as Deogratias stands by and does nothing. Because Apollinaria and ehr sister Benia are friends with Deogratias it's hard for him to see them go through it but to keep from himself getting killed he has no choice. Apollinaria does not appear as much in the book but she and her sister do play a big role. Because Deogratias watched their deaths it caused him to go crazy because they were his friends.

Where I Got Picture
The picture above is a picture of Brother Phillip. He is a missionary who comes to Rwanda. He is white and a husky man. He is very kind throughout the story a very helpful person. He plays the role of a kind and fair man. He is the one who in the end has sympathy for Deogratias when no one else does. Even though he is not an extremely important character in the story I still found him to be important in the story because he was the one who tried to bring peace to everyone. All throughout the book he is one of the only characters who maintains the same personality that he had even in the beginning.