Tuesday, November 18, 2008

H2O Project

While researching and finding more information for my project I am finding out a lot more facts about plastic. I find a lot of stuff I read off of Surfriders Foundation's "Rise Above Plastics" campaign very interesting. On their blog they have ons of facts and interesting videos involving plastic and how it effects the ocean. One of the most interesting pieces of information I found was how much oil we spend on making plastic water bottles every year. Their blog entry states:
"The Pacific Institute calculated that it takes 3.264 fl oz. of petroleum to make the average plastic bottle"
I never really though about what it takes to make a plastic disposable bottle. The Rise Above Plastics campaign is filled with other interesting facts about plastic and how it effects how environment.

Something that surprises me about this project is how easy it can actually be. When the project wa
s first introduced I thought it would be relatively difficult to finish all the requirements in a high quality fashion in the amount of time given. As I continue progressing to my final product I see how much easier it is to finish when you stay organized and have a schedule of when you want to get stuff done.

My next step is to gather all the materials and information to write my artist statement and make my painting. What I want to try to do is gather all my information to be able to write my artist statement. But what I would like to do before I write the statement is make my painting so I can reflect on the process and everything else as well. Ideally I would like to have my painting done by the end of Thanksgiving Break.

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