Wednesday, September 24, 2008


What are you most proud of on your blog? Why?
I am most proud of how I'm able to take stories and make it so it relates to the topic that was discussed in class and the blog topic given. I'm proud of that because I think it's difficult to relate stories that are normally thought of as irrelevant and relate it to a topic, especially history. A specific story I'm proud of is my McDonalds big mac story. It makes me most proud because how many people can connect a man eating 23,000 big macs in 36 years with communism and the Declaration of Independence?
What will you improve during future blogs? Why? How?
Something I want to improve on in my future blogs is reading other blogs or other pieces of information and incorporating that into my blog, rather then taking information from just one article. Or reading other peoples blogs and writing my own entry and my own viewpoint on the topic. One classmate of mine who's blog I was highly thinking about writing my views on is ANA's blog entry about the designer who couldn't attend his own fashion show. The reason why I don't post other people's article as my own is because I like to have original articles that no one else has. I plan on changing that and just using other peoples articles and writing my own viewpoint on them so that I can not only in cooperate my peer's blogs into my own, but also their viewpoints as well.
I also want to improve on how much I write in them. I know that i can write more on the topic and article I read but to be honest the reason I don't is because I get in a rush to finish my blog and I try to cram all my thoughts and ideas into a quick paragraph. I really want to try to actually take time and think about what I am going to put in
my blog and write it in such a way that makes it sound very well thought out. A way I plan on doing this is by not trying to finish my whole blog entry in the amount of time I'm given in X-Block. I plan on starting the entry in X-Block but not rushing through it and finishing the rest of my thoughts at home to ensure I get all my ideas out there.

How has blogging impacted your understanding of the US? The media? Current events? "Old News"?
I feel that writing these blog entries have given me a better understanding of what is going on in society today. I feel this way because when doing this assignment it forces me to read current events and make me think about them and give my opinion on it. I feel that if we didn't have to do these blogs I would carry on not reading or watching the news and still be oblivious to what is going on around me in society.
I feel blogging has also given me a better understanding of events that have happened in the past by me
having to read current events and having to relate it to the blog prompts which most often involve having us relate the current event back to the class topic which was usually an event in history.I will be honest my knowledge of important events that have happened in history are not very good but I feel that blogging has given me a better understanding of what did happen. By connecting current events and historical events it gives me a better understanding. I feel that current events are like examples of what has happened in the past. I also think that it has helped me understand the US better today, both the past and the present. Especially when it comes to the government. I have learned a lot about how our government came about but also how it is ran today.
As far as a better understanding of the media goes, I don't think I have a better understanding of it. I like to think that the media is a reflection of the content it is holding (the stories) and the stories are usually stories about people doing strange and obscure things, like killing someone or something. And I don't understand someone who would do something like that. Therefore, I don't think I'll ever really understand the media fully.

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