Wednesday, September 3, 2008

North Pole Becoming an Island?

It is said that the North Pole may becoming an island. This is important information for those who don't believe that Global Warming is actually happening. Like people who before the Enlightenment who just believed everything they were told. They believed that the king was chosen directly from God. During the Enlightenment though a new concept came about called empercism which was the theory of knowledge being based on evidence and experience. People who do believe in Global Warming are thinking like people during the Enlightenment. The fact that the North Pole is becoming an island is evidence that Global Warming does exist and the Earth is getting hotter. The ice that connects the North Pole is now melting.
This is important for people to know because ships that carry cargo have to route their route so that it doesn't run into the ice that connects the North Pole. But if this ice melts then ships will be able to pass through easily, maybe making it faster to deliver their goods.
So whether people believe Global Warming is happening or not, the North Pole becoming an island is a valuable piece of information that people should know.

"Open Water Circling North Pole? Not Quite"

September 3, 2008, 4:07 pm

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