Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Drilling To Make Things Better

"This is 'yes, but no drilling in Alaska, no drilling in the Eastern Gulf, no drilling inside 50 miles.' This is 'yes, but no litigation reform that will prevent radical environmental attorneys from tying up leases even before a single shovel of dirt is turned.'"

This article was about a bill that was passed on Tuesday that allows the US to drill within states in the US to get oil. I think this is relevant to how our economy is right now with the stock market doing bad and people losing their jobs. I think that America needs to find a way to boost their economy more.

I think that drilling may be part of the answer. My opinion is that drilling in the US will help the economy a little, if not, a lot. If America now depends on other countries for oil and that is money we are spending for that when we have our own oil but won't drill to get it then I think that is unnecessary money we are spending. If we drilled in the US and used our own oil to find more renewable energy sources then maybe one day we would even be able to not rely on oil at all, maybe.

The thing is, is that with this bill that was passed there are a lot of places they are saying that you cant drill. My opinion is is that if you are going to pass a bill saying that you can drill in the US for oil now then we should be able to drill wherever we need to to get the oil.

CNN.com September 16, 2008
NYTimes.com, Eric Dash, September 15, 2008
Stock LINK!
Drilling Bill LINK!

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