Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Examples of My Best

In the beginning of the year we were assigned a project called "American Icon". The objective of this project was to pick someone who in our eyes can be considered an icon, that person had to have helped, been part of, or come to America in some way. I am particularly proud of this project because I worked hard on it and I put a lot of thought into it. For the writing portion, I made several drafts and had other critique my paper. One significant thing I added to the writing that I thought made the paper a lot better was a short story to start my paper off. I made a small paragraph that explained what inspired me to look up to the icon of my choosing. I got this idea from an in class critique session, when Randy pointed out that Ariannah had started her paper in this way and I thought it was a creative way to begin the writing, especially since I was struggling to figure out how I should start my piece. As for my picture, I felt that that portion of the project was by far easier to complete then my writing.I first had someone take the picture for me then photoshopped it. Overall, I completed this project on time and used my time well. I also find that utilizing all my resources helped my project be great.Another example of my best work can be found here on this blog. Throughout the semester we were assigned a blog to update with our ideas about class discussions and events going on in out society today. These blog assignments are given every Tuesday and Thursday. So far, I have kept up with all my blog entries and each blog entry is well thought out and expresses my ideas throughly. How I achieved this is by making sure that I do my blog when it is assigned and by checking Randy's blog every night when I'm about to do homework to make sure that if there is a blog assigned that I get it done. When I write my blogs I try my best to write them so they sound professional and at the same time try to make them informative and interesting to read. Because of this, I feel I have established a blog worth reading.

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