Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What am I Bringing to the Magazine?

My personal contribution to the magazine will be my internship photo essay. The reason why is because I want to be able to show why my internship was important to me and what it is I learned from it and how I learned it. Through this, I will be contributing photos, writing(captions), and maybe a reflection of what it was like doing the photo essay.
If this doesn't work out I would like to contribute an editorial on what it was like working at my particular internship and how it has impacted my outlook on the workfield and also how it has impacted my school work. Whatever it is I do put in the magazine I definitely want it to be related to internship because I think it is important to stress the significance of an internship.

Mejor: A High Tech High Media Arts Magazine

I would like to read about people's different personal expierences about internship. More specifically those who got stuck with an internship they didn't like and how they dealt with it and their reflection of it.

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